

06/10/2021 21:48
That's exactly what happens in successful stores. And the cool thing is, the growth doesn't necessarily stop. Some of our users have been online for almost three years, and their sales are still growing just as fast as they were at the start. The graph at the top of the page shows the growth in...

Website Production Value

06/10/2021 13:52
In a print catalog, "production values" refers to the quality of the paper and printing processes used, the number and quality of images, and the care taken with graphic design. High production values are critically important in catalogs, which have to convince consumers to buy based on a few...

Website Value

06/10/2021 13:51
To start with, better Web sites usually have more images. For example, they tend to have button bars at the top of each page, to brand the site and to aid in navigation. And instead of displaying Titles Like Thisin screen text, they often display as gifs. Text rendered as a gif can be antialiased,...

10 Trends that will Make or Break Your Business ROI this Year

Internet marketers are facing incredible challenges. The unsteady economy has resulted in longer sales cycles, less frequent purchases, fewer dollars spent per sale and a tough road to meet revenue goals. The result? Most marketers have seen cutbacks in marketing staff, budget and bandwidth -- but no cutbacks in the expectations of marketing performance and ROI. In fact, many marketers have been asked to do even more with less as a way of compensating for the deficits.But email marketers do have unique opportunities to drive performance and ROI in the coming year -- if they know where to concentrate their efforts. The key to success is knowing the top trends and having a few essential tools to make them work for you.  

Take advantage of these opportunities by contacting us today. What you do today could Make or Break your business ROI This Year. The guide shows you: 

  • Why email is still the foundation of an online marketer's arsenal

  • What roles social, mobile and search marketing will play in the coming year

  • How automation will provide efficiencies that can dramatically extend limited resources

  • How "basic analytics" have evolved to keep pace with tough economic times

  • Why engagement and relevance are critical to success and how to achieve them

You'll receive this free guide plus access to the bonus checklist, "The Management Buy-In " Just email us today.